Climate Comic Strips
The land of the Menominee is changing.
The Menominee people reside within the territory that has been their home since time immemorial. But within this historic homeland, unprecedented transformations to the environment and its inhabitants are underway.
These illustrations explore some of the impacts that Menominee people are experiencing as a result of climate change.
These images are free to download and use with attribution to the College of Menominee Nation - Sustainable Development Institute.
Script co-written by Allison Scott, Sara Smith, Jennifer Gauthier, and Nicholas Schwitzer. Art by Nicholas Schwitzer. Funding provided by the Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center. Created in partnership by the College of Menominee Nation - Sustainable Development Institute, Indigenous Climate Resilience Network, and Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center.
The content of these comics cannot be fed into or used by any artificial intelligence program for any use whatsoever. Any violation of this infringes the copyrights held individually by the creative team (Smith, Scott, Gauthier, and Schwitzer) and the institutions (College of Menominee Nation - Sustainable Development Institute, Indigenous Climate Resilience Network, and Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center). All violations are an infringement on our creative work. This statement applies to any and all digital and physical copies of these comics.
Wǣqsēh-kēsekat ayāwek akuaceh? What kind of day is it outside?
Episode 1. Non-Local Beings. Released February 24, 2025.