A growing body of literature on Tribal Nations and Indigenous peoples continues to delve into specific issues related to climate change, including adaptation and mitigation strategies that are rooted in each community's own traditional knowledges and values (Norton et. al. 2016). This page provides links to specific examples of Tribal climate adaptation planning initiatives from across Turtle Island and also planning initiatives with assistance from ICRN.

Regional Tribal Adaptation Plans and Resilience Initiatives

Tribal Climate Change Guide: Adaptation Plans

The Tribal Climate Change Guide is a clearinghouse of information for Tribes on funding opportunities, publications, trainings, and more. Tribes throughout the United States are developing and implementing tribal climate change adaptation plans and climate vulnerability assessments. Search this list for examples of tribal climate change adaptation plans, as well as other plans and planning resources that may be useful reference guides. Click the image to learn more.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience maintains a collection of interactive web-based maps of Tribal climate resilience projects and data. Browse or search for Tribes and Tribal organizations that have received funding awards to build Tribal resilience capacity and learn more about Tribes’ resilience activities highlighted in the National Climate Assessment. Click the image to learn more.

Tribal Climate Resilience Maps

Assistance from ICRN

The Indigenous Climate Resilience Network offers a wide range of assistance for Tribes that are looking to work on planning for climate change. This includes day or half-day climate change scenario planning workshops that use the Menominee Nation's sustainable development model, creation of localized climate change profiles that outline what is happening regarding climate change on a Tribe's land, and presentations by climate scientists from the Climate Adaptation Science Centers that lay a foundation of western scientific knowledge that Tribes can then braid with their own Indigenous knowledge regarding what is occurring with climate change in their region. If you are interested in working with ICRN for adaptation planning, contact us.