Episode 1. Non-Local Beings.
Released February 24, 2025. Back to more Climate Comic Strips.
Detailed Description
Non-local beings like the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis), facilitated in part by warming winter conditions, are moving into the land of the Menominee and contributing to further environmental change.
Menominee Language
Wǣqsēh-kēsekat ayāwek akuaceh? — What kind of day is it outside?
ahkǣhkopenākanāhtekok — black ash trees
Omǣqnomenēwak — Menominee people
kǣhkopenākanan — baskets
pepōnōwew — it is winter
kōn — snow
wēskenoh — bird
Comic Strip Text Transcription
The land of the Menominee is changing…
Downy woodpecker: ”Wow, this February sure has been warm and there’s so many insects to eat! Isn’t that great?”
Yellow-bellied sapsucker: “Maybe for us, but I’m seeing some troubling changes for others.”
Downy woodpecker: “Really? Like who?”
Yellow-bellied sapsucker: “The emerald ash borer; it’s making its way north. I heard a basketmaker spotted one close to here not long ago…”
Downy woodpecker: “That’s not so bad, we’ve gladly welcomed new neighbors in the past!”
Yellow-bellied sapsucker: “True, but since they’re still following their original instructions from the Creator - they’ll end up killing our relatives: ahkǣhkopenākanāhtekok.”
Downy woodpecker: “Wait, like this one? Won’t that impact us?”
Yellow-bellied sapsucker: “Yes, and not only us. Without ahkǣhkopenākanāhtekok, Omǣqnomenēwak cannot make kǣhkopenākanan.
Downy woodpecker: “But they’ve made kǣhkopenākanan since time immemorial. What will they do?”
Yellow-bellied sapsucker: “Relationships always kept the forest healthy, and now we have to adapt to protect ahkǣhkopenākanāhtek.”
Menominee Elder: “We’re running out of time. Learn everything you can so we can prepare for the future.”
This image is free to download and use with attribution to the College of Menominee Nation - Sustainable Development Institute.
Script co-written by Sara Smith, Allison Scott, Jennifer Gauthier, and Nicholas Schwitzer. Art by Nicholas Schwitzer. Funding provided by the Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center. Created in partnership by the College of Menominee Nation - Sustainable Development Institute, Indigenous Climate Resilience Network, and Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center.
The content of this comic cannot be fed into or used by any artificial intelligence program for any use whatsoever. Any violation of this infringes the copyrights held individually by the creative team (Smith, Scott, Gauthier, and Schwitzer) and the institutions (College of Menominee Nation - Sustainable Development Institute, Indigenous Climate Resilience Network, and Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center). All violations are an infringement on our creative work. This statement applies to any and all digital and physical copies of this comic.